Senin, 04 Maret 2013

Antique Reproduction Furniture from Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the furniture exporting countries in the world. Jepara, Central Java is one of the areas in Indonesia's most active in producing furniture and a variety of wooden crafts.

If you are looking for furniture exporter from Indonesia I highly recommend you to choose Java Crafts ( which has the slogan "Antique Reproduction Furniture". Why? Because Java Crafts is a company that focuses on the of furniture production has offices in Jepara, Indonesia. Java Crafts provide a wide selection of furniture with beautiful designs and high quality wooden materials.

Visit to see examples of products as well as various information about Java Crafts. Another place in a subsidiary is PT Java Crafts Furniture Javin (

1 komentar:

  1. Hi there! great stuff. Thanks for sharing a very interesting and informative content, it helps me a lot and to others as well, keep it up!

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